18.01.2013 20:51, Max Kellermann пишет:
> I have improved and pushed my Path patch.  I guess there's still a lot
> of room for improvement.  You are welcome to work towards using
> wchar_t for Path::value_type on Windows.


Here is my plan:

1) Further push usage of Path class instead of raw pointers

2) Introduce wrappers for low-level file system APIs: open(), fopen(), 
stat() and so on.

Likely we'll something like PathBuffer to wrap `char 
buffer[MPD_MAX_PATH]` for functions such as readlink().

Also g_file_test() is extensively used in the code, probably I could 
re-implement it at this stage because we're anyway migrating from GLib.

3) Once everything uses our wrappers Path implementation finally could 
be changed to wchar_t.

However some questions arise:

0) What's the better names for wrappers: probably the simplest way is to 
use the same names but put them to separate namespace (i.e. FS::open(), 
FS::stat()), but what if those functions are defined as macros? stat() 
is likely to be dependent on _FILE_OFFSET_BITS. Will it hurt our 

1) There would be still some additional copying on Windows for external 
libraries that expect char* path names. Since there are many of them 
some reusable way of such conversion need to be implemented.

2) What about command line and configuration file encoding?

For the moment those are assumed to be in FS encoding if I'm 
understanding right. I would keep them as such on POSIX platforms.

On Windows there are some options. For command line it's possible to 
migrate to wchar_t-aware wmain() which would eventually convert its 
arguments to UTF-8.

This would allow usage of existing command line parsing code and code 
that opens configuration file could construct Path instance by using 
Path::FromUTF8() method (on POSIX it would be Path::FromFS()).

I think the same could be done for reading paths from configuration 
file. On POSIX those would be still in FS encoding, but on Windows 
configuration file would have to be stored in UTF-8.

This introduces breaking change because in previous version it was 
assumed to be in 8-bit ANSI encoding. I think such breakage is tolerable 
for the benefits it gives.

P.S. some bonus thoughts on identifier naming style:

This is very subjective I know, but I'd prefer to avoid STL-ism such as 
empty() or c_str(). I understand that you've used such names to give 
people who read the code some well-known and expected interface. But on 
the other side it makes the whole code look inconsistent. 
IsEmpty()/CStr() doesn't seem less clear naming for STL-aware reader, 
but it preserves consistency. What do you think?


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