On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 09:01:09AM -0500, Ben Logan wrote:
> > Yes, it doesn't have nice and point-and-clicky interface, but I don't like
> > them, anyway.
> Like many of you on this list probably do, I get several hundred
> messages a day (up to 600).  I almost hyperventilate at the thought of
> trying to navigate through them with a pointy-clicky interface.  There
> are some things that point-and-click GUIs are good for, but they are
> usually (in my experience) far less efficient than an interface like
> mutt's.  Therefore, I consider mutt's interface another plus. :)

Yeah, it would be a pain to have to point and click around to [D]elete
through several messages, for example!

I do find the mouse to be useful in some cases though: If I want to go
to a specific message on the screen, it would be easier to just click
it with the mouse than figuring out how many times I have to hit the
arrow keys to get there.

Also, some GUI mail clients allow opening multiple windows to show
more than one message at a time. That functionality is useful for when
I want to compose a single reply to multiple messages, for example.
(In mutt or pine, if I wanted to go look at another message while I'm
already writing one, I'd have to postpone it, go look, and come back.)

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