> I do find the mouse to be useful in some cases though: If I want to go
> to a specific message on the screen, it would be easier to just click
> it with the mouse than figuring out how many times I have to hit the
> arrow keys to get there.

Jump to message number.

> Also, some GUI mail clients allow opening multiple windows to show
> more than one message at a time. That functionality is useful for when
> I want to compose a single reply to multiple messages, for example.
> (In mutt or pine, if I wanted to go look at another message while I'm
> already writing one, I'd have to postpone it, go look, and come back.)

You could open 2 or 3 mutt sessions, or open the emails as text (having
exported first, ok it's not ideal) in separate xterm vi windows.


Yuck! I'm in Windoze and PINE. Sorry, will be rebooting into Linux at
earliest opportunity

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