> > On Thu, Mar 07, 2002 at 10:23:42AM -0800, Michael Montagne wrote:
> > > How do folks handle HTML mail.  If I receive an attached HTML file (and
> > > HTML email, I think), autoview will decode it and I'll see it in the
> > > pager (correct term?).  Then I can use "v" and when I view the link,
> > > Galeon is invoked and I can see the page. But if someone sends an entire page as 
> > > email, I don't get the option to view an HTML attachment.  All I see is
> > > a bunch links and .gif references.  I'm not sure what the differences
> > > are between these two conditions but it's one of the last pieces of the
> > > puzzle to make mutt truly amazing.
> > >
> That's the weird thing.  Sometimes I get mail that doesn't present a
> text/html option and sometimes it does.
It looks to me like the MIME type is broken, so what you're getting is
HTML typed into a plain text email, which is displayed correctly by lame
MUAs like Outlook Express.

Check the headers of the mail and see if it has Content Type: text/html or
not. If it does, it should also have some MIME statements too... Content
Type on its own is not sufficient.


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