On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 11:15:34AM -0500, Shawn McMahon wrote:
> No.  IMHO, Dave shouldn't bother making that work.  If you really need to
> send an Outlook user a signed email and a patch, and he has to open both
> the email and the patch seperately, well, sometimes Microsoft's
> stupidity is painful for their users.  He should be thankful he doesn't
> have to reboot.  :-)

generally speaking, i'd have to say i agree with you; however, the
people who are using outlook, generally speaking, are not very
technical and sometimes have trouble with anything that requires
knowledge of anything other than point-and-click and drag-and-drop.
this makes it difficult for me to correspond with them in a secure
manner.  now, as we all know, msft isn't going to fix outlook so if i
want to correspond securly with outlook users, i need to try and
accomodate.  PITA but there it is.

Peter Abplanalp

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