On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 04:39:17PM +0000, Simon White wrote:

> Isn't that kinda like saying you have a door with 3 locks, but there are
> people who can't be bothered to use 3 keys, so you leave one open anyway
> so that those people can come into your secure environment with less than
> the required number of keys?

ummm.  no, i don't think so.  i am not compromising my security by
accomodating outlook users, i am just changing the manner in which i
secure my email.  it is secure in both cases.

perhaps a better anology would be i have two locks on my door, one a
combination lock and the other a key lock.  if you can open one or the
other you can open my door.  now since it is too much trouble for some
people to remember a combination, i give them a key.

> Oh the travesty of Outlook.

amen.  but it is nice if you know nothing else.  americans used to
think they had good chocolate but that was only because they hadn't
had swiss chocolate.

-peter [american...and swiss]

Peter Abplanalp

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