05-Apr-02 at 09:54, Peter T. Abplanalp ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote :
> perhaps a better anology would be i have two locks on my door, one a
> combination lock and the other a key lock.  if you can open one or the
> other you can open my door.  now since it is too much trouble for some
> people to remember a combination, i give them a key.

Yes I agree. You have made a much better analogy than mine. I am lazy, I
often come up with half an analogy and wait for a better analogiser to
come back and fix it hehe.

> > Oh the travesty of Outlook.
> amen.  but it is nice if you know nothing else.  americans used to
> think they had good chocolate but that was only because they hadn't
> had swiss chocolate.

And of course fresh Belgian chocolate, which can only be consumed in
Belgium since it's good for 2 days only.

[Simon White. vim/mutt. [EMAIL PROTECTED] GIMPS:61.68% see www.mersenne.org]
If it dies, it's biology.  If it blows up, it's chemistry, and if it
doesn't work, it's physics.
[Linux user #170823 http://counter.li.org. Home cooked signature rotator.]

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