Michal --

...and then Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek said...
% I think it would be a good idea if c gave me folder tree of my current
% account and not local folders. ie if I am viewing somebody@somewhere/INBOX
% c should give me imap://somebody@somewhere/, not ~/Mail (or whatever).
% The annoying behavior is observed in mutt-1.3.27i-4mdk.
% Or is there a simple way of browsing my IMAP account I have overlooked?

I don't work much with imap so I'm not sure, but have you tried setting
your $folder to your imap dir so that mutt knows to look there?  Even a
good dog can only figure out so much...

% Or prehaps there is a -devel list where this should be posted?

There is a mutt-dev list, but this is a simple user-level question, so
this is the right place.

% PS: I have no idea if I am currently subscribed

Did you send a subscription request?  Did you get a welcome message?

% -- 
%       Michal Suchanek

David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
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