Michael --

...and then Michal 'hramrach' Suchanek said...
% > I would recommend a couple of macros which reset $folder so that you can
% > quickly change from local to remote and back.
% This is what I set up:
% ------------
% set spoolfile="$HOME/Mail"
% set mbox_type=Maildir
% set record=$HOME/Mail/Sent

This is interesting.  The spoolfile setting looks like what you would
actually have for $folder, especially since $record is a mailbox under
that folder.  Should $spoolfile really be $HOME/Mailbox or something
similar, or do you actually have


which may or may not work (I don't think that Maildir is designed to have
not only messages but "subfolders" in the same plce)?

% account-hook . unset imap_user imap_force_ssl
% folder-hook . set [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
% account-hook artax set imap_force_ssl=yes imap_user=msuc8339
% folder-hook artax set [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
% account-hook dec59 set imap_force_ssl=no imap_user=suchanek 
% folder-hook dec59 set [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
% macro index \Csa ":set folder=imaps://artax.karlin.mff.cuni.cz/mail<return>c?"
% macro index \Csu ":set folder=imap://dec59.ruk.cuni.cz<return>c?"
% macro index \Csl ":unset folder<return>c?"
% -------------
% It doesnt work. You can switch to an imap account but once there you
% can't switch anywhere else. I tried folder=~/Mail for local first but it
% makes no difference.  

Instead of unsetting your folder for your local macro, set it back to
your local mail dir (usually $HOME/Mail but that's tough to tell above).

% Another problem is I lose the checking for new mail.

Use a "mailboxes" line to define where you want mutt to look.  I thought
I saw one in an earlier mail from you...

% Note I had to specify imaps: manually, otherwise I had to login twice.

Don't know anything about that one.

% -- 
%       Michal Suchanek


David T-G                      * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.justpickone.org/davidtg/    Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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