Hi folks,
I'd like to install MySQL on an embedded system. It's a powerful x86-based
computer with the only limitation of having a small-size flash ROM as its
secondary storage.
I tried installing MySQL from source which resulted in occupying 140 MB of
disk space, while the maximum amount of flash memory I'm permitted to use is
about 20-30 MB. So I'm wondering how to go about slimming MySQL down to the
bare minimum. Following is the list of directories at the root of the
installation directory:
* bin/
* include/
* lib/
* libexec/
* mysql-test/
* share/
* sql-bench/

I think removing the 'include', 'mysql-test' and 'sql-bench' directories may
be a good start, but I'm still far away from having a tiny little mysql!

BTW, I tried MySQL Embedded, but it seems that it doesn't meet our needs.

Any help would be highly appreciated :)

*-- Nima Mohammadi*

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