On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 7:10 PM, mos <mo...@fastmail.fm> wrote:

> Roam,
>       Why are you installing a client server database on an embedded
> system? There are better databases for this task. In the past I've been able
> to squeeze a Windows application and an SQL database so it could run
> directly off of a floppy disk (remember those?). But it wasn't client
> server. :) It seems to me you are trying to fit an elephant into a phone
> booth. Just don't expect it to sit up and dance.
>     BTW, where are the MySQL temp files going to go? Like the ones used for
> sorting the table? Also are you going to have crash recovery in case the
> machine gets accidentally powered off and damages the database?
> Mike
As I previously said, deciding which RBMS to use is not up to me. Actually I
myself suggested SQLite, but the system has already been designed and it's
not possible to change the plans.
Our case doesn't fit into your analogy (elephant and phone booth). The
system has a powerful processor, 2GB of RAM and broadcasts video over the
network. But the operating system resides on a flash memory. The client
program, used to receive the stream, connects to the MySQL server to do some
ACL and authentication stuff. There are some stored procedure in the DB
which does the job.
The purpose of using a flash memory and a read-only ramfs was to conqueror
the "accidentally powering off" part! It will update the flash memory when
we command it to do so.
Hope the scenario is clear now!
Did you really need this explanation to answer my question?

-- Nima Mohammadi

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