From: Maru, Mulugeta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

> When I go online to access my bank account I only see 
> transactions pertain to my account only. I think when ever I 
> make a transaction the database records my account number in 
> the transaction table. When I log-in using my account number 
> and password the system checks whether it is correct or not 
> and run another query to get all transaction that match my 
> account number. 
> Do I make sense?

(sent offlist by mistake, please excuse the dupe)

The point being made is that you're looking at your bank account information in a 
client that is set to read records only pertaining to your account.

The native mysql client is not such a program and was never intended to be. While you 
can customize access for users to certain databases or certain tables within those 
databases, it's simply not built as a multi-user transactional client for limiting 
access to data in commonly-used tables.

It begs the question why you're giving your clients access to the native mysql client 
itself rather than developing an application to do this, in which you could quite 
easily limit such access.

Mike Johnson
Web Developer
Smarter Living, Inc.
phone (617) 886-5539

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