On Feb 26, 2007, at 11:31 AM, Patrick W. Gilmore wrote:

On Feb 26, 2007, at 1:05 PM, Martin Hannigan wrote:

What reason would NANOG have for holding a meeting in DR? Not a lot
of context. DR is also in the LACNIC region. LACNIC has meetings
similiar to RIPE in content i.e. policy and ops.


LACNIC is not the equivalent of NANOG any more than ARIN is. According to <http://lacnic.net/en/sobre-lacnic/cobertura/ index.html>, LACNIC covers Mexico. If a meeting were suggested in Mexico, would you say NANOG should not meet there because LACNIC has meetings there?

Perhaps the DR is not considered North America, but I thought it was. It is closer to Florida than Puerto Rico, which is part of the US. If the DR is not in NA, then we can have a discussion about the applicability of NANOG meeting there.

Probably the appropriate discussion to have first...

DR is considered Central America, not North America.

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