> Just so we're clear, you will continue to see requests to adapt to
> the AUP wrt to being on topic.

your complaint to me was not about topic, but rather about ad homina.
to quote

> And as you know, the NANOG AUP specifically discourages personal 
> attacks -- which that is.

though you do go on to say

> Please refrain from off topic posting on the NANOG Mailing List.

which does subtly imply, but does not explicitly say, that you also
thought my posting off topic.

though my real issues revolve around transparency and process, i would
note that
  o it is hard to see how calling joe nacchio a convicted felon is a
    personal attack; it is a matter of notorious fact
  o the topic of telstra management and its abuse of its monopoly
    position would seem to have been relevant to the discussion which
    had included many references to their abuse and the effect on
    bandwidth pricing in australia

but i am certainly guilty of terseness and obscurity, as well as
confusing two ex-cseo of qwest.  my apologies.

to try to be constructive, what i as a member might like to see in
similar circumstances would be something on the order of

   this is not a formal warning, but, as an individual mlc member, i
   suspect that your message is personal attack and not on topic.  could
   you please explain where i am perceiving incorrectly or please
   refrain from such postings?  thanks.

   -- marty

this would have been very clear as to the formality of the message, and
have allowed discussion and explantation.


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