On 9 Oct 2007, at 06:16, Alex Pilosov wrote:

On Mon, 8 Oct 2007, vijay gill wrote:

Really, reading this thread has left me stupider. I guess instead of
focusing on things like the lightweight agenda, abysmal content and
actual value to be had from NANOG, we are getting tied up discussing an offhand remark about a convicted felon. I submit that nanog as a whole is stupider under this formal SC/MLC/PC/whatever than when it was under
the benevolent dictatorship of Susan.
It takes Vijay to cut to the core of the issue and drop science like

Sometimes benevolent dictatorship is much better at getting things done.

The useful thing with democracy is you can change the leadership, the bad thing is that the electorate are usually pretty bad at getting it right!

Anyway.. I think Vijay and yourself are being unnecessarily harsh.

I believe the SC does a good job, they are unpaid individuals spending a lot of time putting together NANOG content and reviewing submissions.

It was an excellent point made by Ferg that it should be easier for him to present. I think comments like that could be useful and I agree, if someone who is known to be a quality presenter outlines what sounds like a quality presentation their should be discretion within the SC to allow it through and drop some hoops. Just be careful that you don't make it a club and difficult for outsiders to present tho else it will become stale.

afaik Susan never put the content together by herself, there was always a program committee overseeing that function which is now part of the SC remit.

ditto on the MLC, it is a damn difficult job (having been on it myself). Have you ever tried keeping up with all the nanog posts and not just thread-deleting for stuff you don't take interest in? Its unpaid and thankless, if you do nothing people complain about off- topic posts and if you take action people complain about your action. You just need to make sure you get a balance and achieve that by choosing your MLC members...

the MLC was also previously a committee .. it is just the constitution and process which changed

Certainly for the years I've been involved with NANOG the complaints have always been there .. you can't please everyone, just make sure the mandate is relevant and keep to it accepting someone people will continue to be unhappy.

So.. Vijay, Alex, Ferg .. why not get involved (if you're not already) .. and keep the criticism positive, its not that hard to cut through the crap and point out stupidities, this isn't set in stone.

And as for this thread, I'm in danger of trolling by replying, c'mon guys, get a grip! :)


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