On Mon, 8 Oct 2007, vijay gill wrote:

> Really, reading this thread has left me stupider. I guess instead of
> focusing on things like the lightweight agenda, abysmal content and
> actual value to be had from NANOG, we are getting tied up discussing an
> offhand remark about a convicted felon. I submit that nanog as a whole
> is stupider under this formal SC/MLC/PC/whatever than when it was under
> the benevolent dictatorship of Susan.
It takes Vijay to cut to the core of the issue and drop science like 

Sometimes benevolent dictatorship is much better at getting things done.

> Never was the old adage about people getting the government they deserve
> truer than it is now. We have become a legion of whiners, focused less
> on the work and more on the process and protocols of etiquette than
> building networks, though that is probably something a cisco SE can
> crank out from a visio template faster and in most cases, better than
> most participants in this trainwreck.
This is something that could be on nanog tshirt, trainspotting style. 

> I suggest with the best intention possible that marty unwad his shorts
> and the rest of us STFU and GBTW.
I'll add others to the list, but yes, in the simplest possible terms, this
thread was a ridiculous waste of time of everyone involved.


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