On 10/9/07, vijay gill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/8/07, Joel Jaeggli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Martin Hannigan wrote:
> > > How do we determine what people do want to read vs. what they don't?
> > > It would be nice to have some direction. I don't mean from futures,
> > > there's nobody really here, but I mean community wide overall? How do
> > > we determine what people "really" want to hear about and act
> > > accordingly?
> >
> > I'm pretty sure I know what I don't want to hear about on futures in the
> > next day or so...
> >
> > For the community meeting assuming anyone shows up this time I think it
> > would be reasonable to engage in a Socratic dialog about whether the
> > volunteer governance structure we have is better serving us then the one
> > we had, not out of nostalgia, there's no going back, only forward.
> Really, reading this thread has left me stupider. I guess instead of
> focusing on things like the lightweight agenda, abysmal content and actual
> value to be had from NANOG, we are getting tied up discussing an offhand
> remark about a convicted felon. I submit that nanog as a whole is stupider
> under this formal SC/MLC/PC/whatever than when it was under the benevolent
> dictatorship of Susan.

I'm not going to say you're wrong, but everytime those topics come up
the machine comes out in full force. But that's what we created, the


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