On 10/8/07, Randy Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just so we're clear, you will continue to see requests to adapt to
> > the AUP wrt to being on topic.
> your complaint to me was not about topic, but rather about ad homina.
> to quote
> > And as you know, the NANOG AUP specifically discourages personal
> > attacks -- which that is.
> though you do go on to say
> > Please refrain from off topic posting on the NANOG Mailing List.
> which does subtly imply, but does not explicitly say, that you also
> thought my posting off topic.


Try and think of NANOG as Nordstroms instead of Best Buy. At Nordies,
you buy stuff and you don't negotiate the price. At Best Buy, you yell
"open box! open box!" and you get a 20% discount.

Best(not Buy),


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