On Wed, 13 May 2009, Michael Dillon wrote:
> The GNU Mailman software, which I believe is running the NANOG lists,
> has the capability of allowing each subscriber to subscribe only to
> topics which they are interested in. This is done by setting regular
> expressions to tag a message with a topic, I believe this mechanism
> is being exploited by the MLC right now.

Nope, we use regexes to catch the threads that are being moderated and 

> If the list management would begin using this feature for all
> subscribers, then we could have a list where there was a
> routingonly topic, a probablyok topic and an offtopic topic.
> People who are really busy could subscribe only to routingonly,
> those who don't mind variety could also subscribe to probablyok,
> and only those with time on their hands would subscribe
> to offtopic.

The problem is that right now we have 10,000 users who are all set to the 
default and not any special topics.

Also chopping this list like this would probably require *more* active 
involvement from the MLC to play with filters and make sure posts were 
always correctly tagged.

Each poster would also have to be careful to correctly tag ( via subsect 
or whatever) their posts so it matched the correct topics. Then we would 
have threads that drifted and so on..

Simon Lyall  |  Very Busy  |  Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.

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