----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ian MacLean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gert Driesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Miller, Kevin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: [nant-dev] NAntContrib update was ( Updating Nant-Contrib to
latest Nant)

> Gert Driesen wrote:
> >How do you propose to deal with the NAntContrib sources ?
> >
> >will they be moved into /src/NAnt.Optional and /tests/NAnt.Optional or
> >will they be integrated into the current namespace structure ?
> >
> >
> src/NAnt.Optional to start with and move those tasks that fit into
NAnt.DotNet or NAnt.win2 or whatever. I think Optional has a place for the
less frequently used tasks.

Will you first make a proposal for incorporating the NAntContrib tasks into
NAnt regarding source location, namespace and perhaps class name (don't know
if we'll be needing to change class names as well, though).

eg. right now, the vss tasks are in a separate namespace in NAntContrib, but
we have no(t yet a) separate namespace for the cvs tasks.  we should try to
make it all consistent, I think

> >I would still like to get rid of needing a COM interop assembly for
> >SourceSafe (and if possible also for StarTeam, don't know if that's
> >possible though).  Can't we create a wrapper for the vss commandline
> >tool ?
> >
> >
> why ? how else do you propose to connect to com code ? Sorry, but
> forgoing a perfectly good COM based api to wrap a command line tool
> seems completely backward to me. I don't understand the problem you have
> with interop assemblies - they are simply metadata and mappings that
> allow you to call COM objects. Is there somthing inherently evil about
> them that I don't know about ? Feel free to write wrappers in managed
> c++ if you want.

The problem I have with COM interop assemblies is that they are linked to a
specific version of the COM interface, and that they are specific to win32.
Well, I know command-line interfaces can change too between versions, but
you could still deal with that yourself.

Up until now, we've always tried to create wrappers around command-line
tools as these will likely be more portable, and I really think that's a
good strategy after all.

But if you think that using the COM interop assembly is the way to go, then
that's fine by me.


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