On Fri, 10 Oct 2003, Matthew Mastracci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My largest concern is not that a company can use BSD-code, but
> rather add core enhancements (ie: modifications/enhancements/bug
> fixes to the core code) and keep those proprietary.

Yes, there is nothing inside a BSDish license that would prohibit

Say my project X is under a BSDish license and company Y adds a
feature and sells the modified version as "X enhanced" (they can under
BSD, but not under Apache style).  What will happen when I add a new
feature to X and make a new release?

Some options:

* Users of "X enhanced" don't know they use X under covers and thus
  won't demand the new features.  The license terms do not allow that
  as Y has to reproduce X's license statement.

* Y has to merge my changes with theirs and make a new release of "X

* Y refuses to do that.  If X's new features are good enough, they'll
  eventually lose their customers to X.

* Y gets sick of merging and contributes their improvements back.

I've seen all four scenarios happen.  The second and third option
usually become so uncomfortable for Y that they tend to use the fourth
over time, but there is no guarantee.


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