what are your specific objections to a BSD style licence ? Is it the greater permissiveness or just that its not GPL ?

I'm not sure that I agree with changing the license to a BSD or Apache-style license. The code I've contributed was for a GPL project - changing it now would be the same to me as a "bait-and-switch" scheme pulled by a company.

We most certainly are not trying to pull a "Bait and switch" scheme. By no means should we change the license without concensus from the contributers.

NAnt works well as a GPL'd project. It's effectively a stand-alone project. Any company wanting to incorporate it could simply bundle the executable.

The obvious exception is IDE addins which could just wrap the executable but would achieve better integration by talking to the nant classes directly.

I don't see how a GPL'd .NET build project would scare people away more than a GPL'd C++ compiler.

Well if you consider that most users looking at using NAnt come from microsoft shops and have likely been exposed to/scared by the microsoft anti-GPL FUD. Compared to gcc users who are mostly all on Unix/linux or MaxOSX and are rather less fazed by that kind of thing. We have had a number of comments from consultants ( some from MS consulting ) and book authors that they would like to recomend NAnt to clients/corporations but had concerns about the license. Whether those concerns are valid is another issue however anecdotal evidence seems to suggest that this is a real concern for some people. I'd like to hear more from list members about corporate policy's regarding opensource usage and licenses.

I would, however, support adding a clause to the license exempting things like user-supplied or 3rd party tasks(though, even under the GPL these are required to be distributed if you're just keeping NAnt in-house) and development environments/plugins for such.

Take a look at the SharpZipLib license (GPL + linking exception) for one that's both business- and FSF-friendly.

I will take a look at it. Gerry also added a linking exception clause to the nant license see ( ). Not sure if its similar.


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