Thanks for sharing your knowledge with me, everyone!I'm learning a lot 
here, it's very interesting!
Getter :It's funny : Just yesterday I saw a photo of the getter activation 
on Dalibor's Facebook page!
Ageing / testing :Ok, so it is in fact almost impossible to tell the 
difference between a NOS tube and a lightly used one.In the future I will 
simply inspect the glass in front of the numerals and if the sputtering is 
acceptable the tube will be ok for me.
Deposit on the side :Even though mercury seems to be the main culprit, I 
think the sputtering from the wires, as mentioned above by Martin, can also 
be the cause in some cases.I have an old Z560M where the wire illuminates 
as well as the numeral (for all the numerals) : the sides, where the wires 
are near the glass, are completely "silvered"!Below is an example with and 
one without the deposit :

On other tubes I have a grey film on the glass following exactly the wires 
close to it.

Concerning the mercury in IN-12 tubes, is this what you can see in the 
photo below?


Is the round thing in the middle the mercury pill?
All 6 tubes I have from that batch show a thicker film in exactly the same 
spot (whitish in the photo, but it's reflecting).

Have a nice week-end,


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