Hi Anthony,

This resonates and doesn't for me; it's illuminating but it also seems too
neat, too schematic, too totalizing, too clear in a sense. I always have
difficulties with D&G and their language that way. But the resonance is
clear. Then in my writing (which isn't part of Plateaus in thought), I
have "_a band of remnants_" and I think of them as impossible or broken,
poor assemblages (thinking of the miserable chaos in Haiti for example),
the ecosystem which may disappear (but not yet and perhaps never) around
the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge which is there where disaster may come
courting. And I/we were wandering this time around Saltair; it was all
clearly worrying -

Best, Alan, and thank you!

On Thu, Oct 28, 2021 at 12:57 PM Anthony Stephenson via NetBehaviour <
netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:

> Consider:
> "... On the intensive continuum, the
> strata fashion forms and form matters into substances. In combined
> emissions,
> they make the distinction between expressions and contents, units of
> expression and units of content, for example, signs and particles. In
> conjunctions,
> they separate flows, assigning them relative movements and
> diverse territorialities, relative deterritorializations and complementary
> reterritorializations. Thus the strata set up everywhere double
> articulations
> animated by movements: forms and substances of content and forms
> and substances of expression constituting segmentary multiplicities with
> relations that are determinable in every case. Such are the strata. Each
> stratum
> is a double articulation of content and expression, both of which are
> really distinct and in a state of reciprocal presupposition. Content and
> expression intermingle, and it is two-headed machinic assemblages that
> place their segments in relation. What varies from stratum to stratum is
> the
> nature of the real distinction between content and expression, the nature
> of
> the substances as formed matters, and the nature of the relative movements.
> We may make a summary distinction between three major types of
> real distinction: the real-formal distinction between orders of magnitude,
> with the establishment of a resonance of expression (induction); the
> real-real distinction between different subjects, with the establishment of
> a linearity of expression (transduction); and the real-essential
> distinction
> between different attributes or categories, with the establishment of a
> superlinearity of expression (translation)."
> A Thousand Plateaus p.79
> --
> - *Anthony Stephenson*
> *http://anthonystephenson.org/ <http://anthonystephenson.org/>*
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