Hi Anthony,

I never read Milles Plateaux (sp.?) as I felt that if I ever really needed to 
know something from it someone could quote it or explain it to me.  So this is 
such a case, possibly even the first!

For whatever reason, theoretical language is something I prefer not to use very 
much but what you cited below made me think of the two great subjects in 
Leonardo's work: the flow of water and the processes of geology.

Most of his painted backgrounds consist of water and rocks, and much of the 
science in his notebooks is about geology and hydrology as constitutive of the 
"body" of the earth, its blood and skeleton as it were.  Intermediate forms 
like water vapor (clouds) and alluvial fields (eroded rock) are sub-forms which 
form the respiration and soft tissue of the planet.  Molten rock was a kind of 
heart function, etc., figuratively of course, but Leonardo postulated some 
literal parallels too.

In such an environment of a planet having a "vegetative soul" (as Leonardo 
called it) what is a human-built stone bridge, the only human artifact in the 
background of the Mona Lisa?  Well, it's maybe a level up of complexity, where 
Art, which can be understood as technology and engineering as well as science 
and aesthetics in Renaissance usage, restructures some of the rocks of nature 
into an arch that supports a road, to permit a flow of humanity and subsequent 
arts (trade, knowledge, production, products) to appear.  (In ancient 
etymology, bridge, road and way or path are all related -- the Greek pontos for 
sea is the root of the Latin pons for bridge, since water was how the Greeks 
crossed from island to island -- indicating that it's not just the object or 
implement that contains the meaning but the transportation it makes possible.)

The bridge or road structure is not an end in itself but a means of 
transportation for other technologies.  (Methodos meant a developed path or 
way, and is I think an element of computer language?)  Thus in the Mona Lisa 
Leonardo connects the bridge, i.e. infrastructure, to the garment geometrically 
and hence topographically.  Cloth and clothing were the end-user product of 
Florence which the Arno's transportation (and machine energy via waterwheels) 
made possible.  Garment-making was powered by the flowing aspects of 
transportation but was different too, perhaps more informational (desegno) and 
less kinetic in its function, in that water-energy was used to power technical 
machines as well ship final goods.

Yet Leonardo makes very clear in the Mona Lisa that the garment is also flowing 
and twisting, with an almost exact echo of the rivulets on the the hills in the 
background.  The veil is helical as well as cloud-like and evanescent.  Yet 
further, the curling hair -- which Leonardo wrote was comparable to how water 
curls -- and the intimation of blood flow and respiration in the sitter (made 
present by extraordinary realism combined with visual indeterminacy) show that 
the human is also a mixture of forms, substance, and currents.  Leonardo wrote 
of and drew how the blood vessels of humans get more twisted and convoluted 
with age just as river courses do over time.

In this way the Mona Lisa represents the confluence, perhaps like that 
mentioned in your quotation, of Art, Nature, and Humanity.  This was a kind of 
three-part figure which had ancient precedents and was made much more relevant 
during the shift from medieval to modern times.  The title of this allegorical 
composition is the name of the sitter, Esperienza, i.e. Experience.

Postmodern and poststructuralist theory, I have heard but not fully verified, 
sometimes treats Renaissance culture, art, and literature as a kind of infant: 
the tiniest bit modern, but still almost totally medieval, primitive, and 
oblivious according to our advanced modern state.  This view might be worth 
revisiting.  There is a caricature of Leonardo which says he had no sense of 
the concepts or metaphors I describe above: that he liked bridges because they 
were picturesque and suitable for paintings to have; that he drew and wrote of 
what he saw like a reporter might without any sense of allegory, design, or 
authorship; and he knew very little about the subtleties of language, 
literature, theater, rhetoric, and metaphor.  Yet the documentary record proves 
that he was a world-class expert in all these areas!  And he was friend and 
colleague to many of the other experts of his place and time.

Why would we be so quick to primitivize the past?  Is not such an approach 
itself the very essence of primitivism, a choice rather than a calendar date 
range, and a nullification of knowledge exactly like that which we accuse the 
past of committing?  It's the ironic cost of the cult of expertise: everyone 
else has to not know or have known anything much about what one is talking 
about or else one is not worth listening to.  It's a wasteful kind of 
monetization plain and simple, perhaps, in some ways.  As Rhea mentioned 
earlier this year, I believe, what are the incentives?

In any case, I don't know for sure if the above comparison of the Mona Lisa to 
the excerpt you cited is legitimate in any way.  Deleuze may have written 
elsewhere something like "none of my ideas or concepts should be attributed to 
the Renaissance in any way because it was too undeveloped."  This would 
resemble what Hegel said about indigenous culture, that it had no self and no 
consciousness because it lacked the terminology of his own "descriptive 
discourse."  (And maybe Deleuze wrote the opposite.)  However I would ask, even 
if he wrote the former statement, would not the claim still be subject to 
falsification?  An author doesn't necessarily get to choose what their work 
means or relates to.  Even if Deleuze hated and detested the Mona Lisa he might 
still have been a direct downstream consequence of it, or a highly similar 
tributary of the same present, like it or not.

Mostly what interests me is whether anyone else sees or can entertain the 
possibility of such parallels.  The human capacity for projection could well be 
infinite or practically so, and all such parallels fabricated from whole cloth. 
 Yet to say that any "modern" awareness beyond a childlike kind of ABC's 
discerned prior to 1600 (or 1980) is never more than mere projection is not, I 
would venture, always a priori correct.  Modernity itself might be more 
relative and less chronological than it cares to admit.

Quickly in regards to Rhea's book project, could the blocks of blockchain be 
compared to geology, and some other analog factor to water?  That might be 

All best,


PS -- Very interesting and fun to see Alan's almost 50 year old Meta!  The new 
case of it seems more like an infernal twin, but no one ever said time couldn't 
go backward.  🙂

From: NetBehaviour <netbehaviour-boun...@lists.netbehaviour.org> on behalf of 
Anthony Stephenson via NetBehaviour <netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2021 9:30 AM
To: netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org <netbehaviour@lists.netbehaviour.org>
Cc: Anthony Stephenson <aps0l...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] Ontological Banding

"... On the intensive continuum, the

strata fashion forms and form matters into substances. In combined emissions,

they make the distinction between expressions and contents, units of

expression and units of content, for example, signs and particles. In 

they separate flows, assigning them relative movements and

diverse territorialities, relative deterritorializations and complementary

reterritorializations. Thus the strata set up everywhere double articulations

animated by movements: forms and substances of content and forms

and substances of expression constituting segmentary multiplicities with

relations that are determinable in every case. Such are the strata. Each stratum

is a double articulation of content and expression, both of which are

really distinct and in a state of reciprocal presupposition. Content and

expression intermingle, and it is two-headed machinic assemblages that

place their segments in relation. What varies from stratum to stratum is the

nature of the real distinction between content and expression, the nature of

the substances as formed matters, and the nature of the relative movements.

We may make a summary distinction between three major types of

real distinction: the real-formal distinction between orders of magnitude,

with the establishment of a resonance of expression (induction); the

real-real distinction between different subjects, with the establishment of

a linearity of expression (transduction); and the real-essential distinction

between different attributes or categories, with the establishment of a

superlinearity of expression (translation)."
A Thousand Plateaus p.79


- Anthony Stephenson


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