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From: Andreas Maria <>
Date: 18 October 2010 09:53:57 CEST
To: NetBehaviour for networked distributed creativity < >
Subject: Re: [NetBehaviour] From today...

Harnessed Silence?

Kant was right, Debord was wrong; 'there was never a revolution',

Debord: 'the revolte of bored middle class kids'

Hakim Bey: ibidem

The 'sixties' and its mental / cultural uprising ended with the regime of Pol Pot and did not progress afterwards

Not in Europe and not in North America

Maybe Anna is right in going to Uruqay, at least there are unseen possibilities out of reach im the so called 'Rich Countries'

I live in Amsterdam with partner and children and am seriously thinking about relocating to a rural village near the former 'Iron Curtain'.


Because there are unseen and forgotten oppurtunities neglected by the mad drivening constraints urban life had to offer, like a slower, more natural tempo, a better developed attitude towards reusing scarce resources

And yes it is very difficult to maintain a life when being pushed around by the 'Ueber-Rich', but why they tend to come from North America?

Neo liberalism (Jefferson/Toqueville/Smith) is the worst thing this Earth ever has come across and why it comes from North America?

Bill Gates (the ueber ueber ueber american richie) is financing Black Water through its charity program!!!!

Chinese security firms based on American manegerial models are hired by the Chinese government to kidnap and brutalize their opponents

Dutch Neo Nazi Wilders is destroying the once famous Dutch tolerance, assisted by stagiairs educated in American liberal academic millieus

American culture has something very scary in its thinking, based on individual freedom it is constantly fighting the rest, ie everyone who is nor me

There used to be slogans in every European city after WWII it said:

'Yankees go home!'


Because after liberating Europe they took our freedom with them

It is a Sad Sad Song

'...Berlin at the walls, they 've taking her children away, because she was not a good mother...'

Lou Reed - Berlin

Andreas Maria Jacobs

'Politics is the Architecture of Death'p


On 18 Oct 2010, at 01:44, Ana Valdés <> wrote:

That's to returning to Uruguay is depending of a lot of factors, I am very engaged in different questions, Palestine, par example. I visited Ramallah, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv the last Summer. Everyone there tells me in different depressed ways_ "we are depending of the Americans, if the taxpayers should wake up and see how their money is spent supporting 400000 settlers."
The same settlers Obama and Hillary Clinton say they want to stop.
I am so tired of political hypocrisy and people's indiference.

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 1:10 AM, Alan Sondheim <> wrote:


When are you returning to Uruguay?
This conversation, at least for me, _is_ our living situation; it's not
separate from the contruction across the street, my ill health, the
homeless everywhere, the uber-rich driving people out of their homes.
We live here. In a country where people think Obama is a secret Muslim who
is not an American citizen.

And what _does_ one do about depression? I have my own nightmares, but
they're compounded by what this country is becoming.

- Alan

On Sun, 17 Oct 2010, Ana Vald?s wrote:

> Hi Marc, Ruth and other active Netbehaviourists:
> I wonder if this ongoing conversation is or will be kept indepentely from > our living situation or are we only able to communicate because we live in > the so called First World and enjoy cheap computers and huge broadband. > I am myself seriously planning to go back to live in Uruguay, the country > where I was born in and a place where I has not lived in the last 32 years. > As many maybe know I spent four years in jail for political reasons when I > was very young and I was deported to Sweden, where I been living since then. > Funny, the other day I participated in a meeting for writers (I am a writer) > in Stavanger, Norway, together with one of the injust jailed Maguire 6,
> and we discussed the common memories we shared, as writers being former
> political prisoners.
> I am tired of Sweden (160000 voters voted for a party of extrem right which > discourse is "we want get Sweden back". back to the 50:s, to an homogenius > monocultural backyard country, tired of seeing some tendences in the whole
> Europe, France, Italy, Spain, Danmark, Finland, Norway, Germany.
> Yes, we have small pockets of resistance and struggle, but the social
> ,movements seems for now being in frank recess.
> What do you think, do we have a chance to revert this sad process?
> If not, I wish you welcome to Uruguay, where the voters have elected a man > who spent 13 years in jail for political reasons. And he is the only > president in the world driving a Volkswagen from the 70:s and still living > in the small farm outside Montevideo where he and his wife (former jail > comrade with me) gew flowers to earn their life when they were released from
> prison, 1985.
> Ana, a bit depressed
> Gondolgatan 2 l tr
> 12832 Skarpn?ck
> Sweden
> tel +468-943288
> mobil 4670-3213370
> "When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your > eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always long
> to return.
> ? Leonardo da Vinci

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"When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you will always long to return.
— Leonardo da Vinci
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