I have sucessfully used a program called Ghost to mirror hard drives. It
is made by Symantec but I know Powerquest also makes one.

Jeffrey Chen wrote:
> On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Kuraiken wrote:
> > > Is this booting from a floppy?  Maybe the disk is starting to go bad.
> no, but this happens with floppy boot as well.
> > I think it is your RAM. I once had this problem as well. RAM seems to be
> > causing a lot of this kind of intermittent problems. Also, one more thing you
> > might want to try is changing the bios settings. I think you need to disable
> > shadowing (although I don't think this would cause problems as such) and also
> > any "memory holes" settings. You might want to try loading bios defaults (which
> > is considered "safe" by the manufacturer - that is no unsafe performance boosts
> > enabled) and then go around disabling those things above. (I once had such
> > weirdness from wrong bios memory settings so it's worth a look)
> Thanks for all the help mail.:)  I think I will try to nail down the
> problem first by:
> 1. check BIOS setting
> 2. reseat RAM
> 3. Change HD
> I really hate to change HD, as I have this system setup already.  Can
> someone gimme a brief run though on how to transfer files from one HD
> to another without loosing all my settings and programs?  I can have
> another HD hooked in there and copy everything over, but I don't know how
> will linux handle it.  Any help in this transfer would be great!:)
> -JC

Jerry Dean
5919 E.Pima St.
Tucson, AZ 85712

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