At 15:06 11/03/99 -0800, you wrote:
>> A very good test to see if it's memory or bios-too-"optimized" related is
>> to compile something big (a kernel for example) several times in a row. If
>> your system succeeds to do so without any error, your system can be
>> considered clean on that point and you can start to think about a new hard
>> disk :-)
>> Tell us how things turn out,
>well, I've recomplied 2.0.36 twice and 2.2.3 twice as well. All of them 
>went through smoothly.  Does that mean my system is clean?
>The disk change will be a major headache..:(
Well at least your bios seems to be configured ok (not too optimized).
You can read the Sig11 mini howto, they explain many problems that can
occur with defective hardware, and ways to check it. One thing you could
try, after you have made a copy of your settings :-), is to put your
machine in "turtle" mode : change your bios settings to the slowest,
disable all optimization,... (more wait states, slowest bus clock, disable
1st and 2nd level processor cache, disable hidden refresh, power management
and the likes,... Real turtle mode) Then you try to start linux many times
and see if the problem still appears 
Remember to do it in the conditions where you saw the error : if it only
appeared the first time you started linux after a long off period, change
the config to turtle mode, than let your machine sleep some times before
you start it.
(I say that because I had such a problem and it was a real beast to isolate
: it only appeared when the machine was "cold")
Be patient because a slow pc is... slow :-)

- Rémi -

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