Andre Baron wrote:
> >At 00:01 12/03/99 EST, you wrote:
> >>In a message dated 3/11/99 8:50:32 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> >>[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >>
> >><< I would have imagined that /dev would cause problems (a simple cp in
> >> /dev will quickly fill your destination directory... that /dev/zero file
> >> just never ends...) >>
> >>
> >>i ment in windows
> >>
> >Even in windows a copy of the whole HD doesn't work.
> >It won't even let you copy any file which is used.
> >And explorer is in use when you copy files.
> >And many win dlls are in use...
> >
> The solution to this is too boot into command line mode....... 2 ways of
> doing this when windoze is starting up press F8 right at the beginning, or
> if you are in windows select shutdown then the ms-dos mode option.  the
> command thn would be copy *.* /r d:.... I believe you can always do /help to
> figure out for sure.

That doesn't really help if he wants to back up his Linux partitions,
does it?

For copying Linux installations between hard drives, here's what I'd

1)  Mount the new hard drive.

        mkdir /mnt/new-drive
        mount -text2 /dev/hdb1 /mnt/new-drive

2)  Change to the root directory and start the copy.

        cd /
        cp -ax / /mnt/new-drive

3)  Edit /etc/lilo.conf to reflect the name of the new drive.  If you'll
still be BOOTING from the same drive, you'll just need to change the
root= lines within the individual image= stanzas.  If you're changing to
a new boot drive also, modify the boot= line.

4)  Run /sbin/lilo.  Watch for errors.

5)  Make a boot disk.

6)  Shutdown, change the hardware around, and reboot.

7)  If there are problems booting from the hard drive, use the boot

It's been awhile since the original question in this thread, and
truthfully, I've forgotten what the question even was!  Could the
original poster please post again?  Thanks!
Steve Philp

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