>I don't mean to be rude or question whether this really works.  I don't
>have extra space, else I'd try it myself.  Can anyone confirm that this
No it won't work. You are perfecly right with the problems in dev and the
boot sector. What you have to do is use the dd command to make a physical
copy of your whole device. The trick is I don't know the syntax :-)
It must ressemble "dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy ... options" where /dev/hdx
is the drive you want to copy and /dev/hdy is the one you copy to. I know
you have to specify more things to dd (block sizes,...) but you'll have to
use man dd as I'm now at work (on an NT station :-(  )
Ask help if you don't know some options...

- Rémi -

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