>At 00:01 12/03/99 EST, you wrote:
>>In a message dated 3/11/99 8:50:32 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>><< I would have imagined that /dev would cause problems (a simple cp in
>> /dev will quickly fill your destination directory... that /dev/zero file
>> just never ends...) >>
>>i ment in windows
>Even in windows a copy of the whole HD doesn't work.
>It won't even let you copy any file which is used. 
>And explorer is in use when you copy files.
>And many win dlls are in use...
The solution to this is too boot into command line mode....... 2 ways of
doing this when windoze is starting up press F8 right at the beginning, or
if you are in windows select shutdown then the ms-dos mode option.  the
command thn would be copy *.* /r d:.... I believe you can always do /help to
figure out for sure.


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