Well Gerry at least you got it working.  I have heard of the problem with
the player wanting to download the link from a lot of people.  I had that
for a while but it streams now.  Maybe its something in the Netscape
configuration of the plugin.

----- Original Message -----
From: gerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 1:15 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RealPlayer 5.0 setup

> Jeanette Russo wrote:
> >
> > If you are using the Red Hat rpm. player that one is missing a codec and
> > will not run.  Try the Linux ELF player you get it on the same page.
> > Jeanette
> >
> Well, I got it RealPlayer "working."  It's not the way I'd like it,
> i.e., click on an rvplayer audio icon and up pops RVPlayer.  Instead
> I've got to start rvplayer from a terminal window, shift+click
> (download) the realplayer file, and then open it in RealPlayer.
> Wandering around Science Friday I found this site.
> http://www.npr.org/programs/sfkids/showarchive/sfkc.98.04.17.html
> Not mentioned in the text is the fact that the second half of the second
> hour (Kennewick Man) is a discussion of GNU/Linux and Open Source, with
> RMS and Eric Raymond as the discussants.  If your realplayer's working
> you may want to give  a listen.
> (again, it's the 2nd half of the 2nd hour, you can "rush" it by using
> the slide on RealPlayer.
> Thanks for the suggestions.  Anyone know how to get it to "pop-up," I'm
> listening.
> Gerry

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