On Wed, Apr 21, 1999 at 08:12:02PM +1000, Bela Lantos wrote:
> Hello guys,
> 3. go further down, and just above the Troff document entries you find another
> entry for Real Audio. Edit it:
> Description: RealAudio
> MIMEType: audio/x-pn-realaudio
> Suffixes: rm,ra,ram
> Click the Application radio button and type into the field:
> rvplayer %s
> lick OK.
> Restart Netscape. Now when you click on a link RealPlayer will comeup and
> search the link. My present problem with it is that it complains that the
> compression format is not correct. This is as far I got, you have to help me
> further.

I know the answer to this one!

You'll need to create a wrapper script to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH before calling
rvplayer.  First, move /usr/bin/rvplayer to /usr/bin/rvplayer.real  

Then, a script like this should do the trick (name it /usr/bin/rvplayer and
chmod +x /usr/bin/rvplayer after you edit it):

        #! /bin/bash
        export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/Real
        /usr/bin/rvplayer.real $1

That will fix the problems that you're having!

Steve Philp

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