Hello guys,

I have only been using Linux for a year. This is what I did with RealPlayer.
1. copy all *.so files from /usr/lib/Real to /usr/lib/netscape/plugins.
2. open netscape, click on Edit-Preferences, open the Navigator
group  and click on Applications. On the list go down, and the 3rd under
audio/x-basic is an entry for Real Audio. Edit it, and choose the RealVideo
Player plugin. It will input "*.rpm" into the Suffixes field, which is rubbish.
Change it to "rm,ra,ram". Then click OK.
3. go further down, and just above the Troff document entries you find another
entry for Real Audio. Edit it:
Description: RealAudio
MIMEType: audio/x-pn-realaudio
Suffixes: rm,ra,ram
Click the Application radio button and type into the field:
rvplayer %s
lick OK.
Restart Netscape. Now when you click on a link RealPlayer will comeup and
search the link. My present problem with it is that it complains that the
compression format is not correct. This is as far I got, you have to help me
Cheers, Bela

On Wed, 21 Apr 1999, you wrote:
> Well Gerry at least you got it working.  I have heard of the problem with
> the player wanting to download the link from a lot of people.  I had that
> for a while but it streams now.  Maybe its something in the Netscape
> configuration of the plugin.
> Jeanette
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: gerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 1:15 AM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] RealPlayer 5.0 setup
> > Jeanette Russo wrote:
> > >
> > > If you are using the Red Hat rpm. player that one is missing a codec and
> > > will not run.  Try the Linux ELF player you get it on the same page.
> > > Jeanette
> > >
> >
> > Well, I got it RealPlayer "working."  It's not the way I'd like it,
> > i.e., click on an rvplayer audio icon and up pops RVPlayer.  Instead
> > I've got to start rvplayer from a terminal window, shift+click
> > (download) the realplayer file, and then open it in RealPlayer.
> >
> > Wandering around Science Friday I found this site.
> >
> > http://www.npr.org/programs/sfkids/showarchive/sfkc.98.04.17.html
> >
> > Not mentioned in the text is the fact that the second half of the second
> > hour (Kennewick Man) is a discussion of GNU/Linux and Open Source, with
> > RMS and Eric Raymond as the discussants.  If your realplayer's working
> > you may want to give  a listen.
> >
> > (again, it's the 2nd half of the 2nd hour, you can "rush" it by using
> > the slide on RealPlayer.
> >
> > Thanks for the suggestions.  Anyone know how to get it to "pop-up," I'm
> > listening.
> >
> > Gerry
> >

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