Martin Cleaver wrote:
> Doug Brown wrote:
> > > In response I  muttered a couple of things about extra tidbits that come
> > > with Mandrake but I did not sound very convincing, even to myself.
> >
> > Are you forgetting about cost?  RH 6.0 Official is $80.00 with the core
> > version $40.00.  I paid, like, $1.89 plus S&H for Mandrake 5.3.
> > Big difference!
> Another reason why Mandrake is doomed... how can they keep on updating it, if
> they don't get any morey for it? Simple answer: they don't. I learned my
> lesson  when KDE updated to 1.1.1 and installing it on my Mandrake proved
> impossible (worse: I lost my Xwindows)
> If you want it cheap, download it and burn your own. Mandrake is not the
> standard and necver will be. Pity. It was nice while it lasted. :-(

Why does it need to be the standard?  And exactly what are we judging it
against?  My Mandrake installation runs exactly the same software as a
distribution that I might build myself.  It's not like they're shipping
BSD libc with it or anything...

All this "top of the market" crap really drags on me.  Can't we just
have a cool little distribution to play with?

Steve Philp

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