At 07:59 AM 6/18/99 -0700, Don Kelley wrote:

>I read so much about venus not working or being buggy.... just for the record
>I've had no problems with it at all other than a cd I burned myself becoming
>corrupted rather quickly -

I'm glad to hear someone saying this.  I've got a copy of Venus here in my
office and so far I haven't had the gonads to try to install the thing
since my Festen box is working so well.  Maybe I'll give it a shot....
>fixed all of the real problems - only stuff left is just linux's lack of user
>friendliness regarding ports and the /dev folder (for a newbie this makes
>absolutely no sense, especially when trying to mount or connect to a
>port or filesystem and I type in exactly what various linux books tell me to
>and I get error messages).

I'm also very encouraged to hear someone else saying this - it is horribly
exasperating to pore over newbie books (I have three tomes that I refer to
often) for hours only to be confronted with another inane error message
when following the written advice.


John Knopp
Mandrake 5.3

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