This isn't windows.  To have a system stop responding totally outside of a power failure is beyond my experience.  I had a motherboard which had an electrolytic cap in the memory power supply (5V) go intermittent, and random bits were flipping, or so I believe.  The system did not stop.  A LOT of processes were crashing and respawning.  I have always been able to exit gracefully, even from that.


Trevor Wilson wrote:

A window wasn't responding under KDE, and I couldn't kill it, so I tried
to log off and the system stopped responding. I waited a long time and
then power cycled it and it managed to boot OK, except now every time it
shuts down, "shutting down nfs mountd" fails, and starting up, it can't
find "var/lib/nfs/xtab" or something like that, which I think was deleted
when it tried to fix the drive. Is any of this a problem? More
importantly, what ELSE can I DO if the system stops responding, other than
cutting the power?
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"One who buys dual scan display soon gains Optometrist for best friend."

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