----- Original Message ----- 
From: Paul Hendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 15, 1999 10:21 AM

> Hi,
> After installing Mandrake the screen res was set at 300x200.
> I've been told that I should wipe my hard disk reinstall windows, and
> then install Linux.
> But after deleting the Linux partitions on my disk and installing MS
> DOS, my system stalls when booting.  It says nothing except "LI".
> How do I stop this from happening?

Boot from your MS floppy and run the MS version of fdisk as follows:

fdisk /mbr

This re-writes the mbr "back" to the standard MS master boot record.

Then you can start again.

> Also, how do I edit files from the prompt when logged in as root?

I find it easier (for me) to use Midnight Commander; just type mc at the prompt. You 
get a Norton Commander clone file manager. Highlight a file and use F4 to edit, F10 to 
exit (and save). It also works well for ftp.


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