> Mine is  1994.LBA is Logical (or Linear) Block Addressing. All new
> IDE HDs support it. My 1995 WD does. It's just a different way of
> numbering the heads, sectors and tracks. I'm pretty sure it does
> translation, too. Maybe there's a BIOS update for your
> motherboard-assuming it has a flash rom on it (but from that era, I
> kinda doubt it.

My dad would like to get a new processor for the computer.  I read some
instructions on upgrades in the pamplets that came with our computer,
and it showed me where I could set the clock speed.  The choices: 25MHz
and 33MHz.

If I want to upgrade, I'll have to get a new motherboard in the process.

I think it would be kinda cool to have a patchwork computer made out of
parts from many different times, but if it doesn't work, then there's no

I wonder if AST still supports an old Adventure! computer...

By the way, I got it for $1500. <grin> <shakes head>

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