On Wed, 21 Jul 1999, you wrote:
> > Actually, it sounds like you just need to edit your lilo.conf  file.
> > There's a section on how to do that in the Mandrake docs on the CD,
> > which you can view with a web browser. After editing the file, you
> > must run lilo again, i.e., /sbin/lilo
> > When the boot prompt comes up  (LILO boot:), hit the "Tab" key.  This
> > will give you a choice of OS you can boot. Type in the one you want
> > (dos, Win95, Linux, or whatever you have) at the prompt and hit enter.
> I already have set up LILO on the laptop with Mandrake on it, so I know
> how to mess with things like the default operating system.
> How do I install LILO on a different disk?  How do I make sure it
> doesn't trash the Ontrack program?
> > PS: If you actually have Win95 installed, I'm surprised you need
> > Ontrack Disk Manager at all.
> Most of the time I just boot into DOS.  Windows 95 is horribly slow, and
> my programs are DOS based.
> > My BIOS  (AMI) is over 5 years old and I
> > had a 7G drive in here with no additional software. Was your 3G drive
> > formatted with LBA? It SHOULD have been if it wasn't.Does your BIOS
> > have an LBA setting? However changing it now without reformatting
> > your drive will probably make it unreadable.
> LBA?
> I am dealing with a 1993 computer.

Mine is  1994.LBA is Logical (or Linear) Block Addressing. All new
IDE HDs support it. My 1995 WD does. It's just a different way of
numbering the heads, sectors and tracks. I'm pretty sure it does
translation, too. Maybe there's a BIOS update for your
motherboard-assuming it has a flash rom on it (but from that era, I
kinda doubt it.
Lloyd Osten 

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