Have you tried reconfiguring your BIOS to boot from floppy? Depending on
your BIOS, you'll probably either hit the <DEL> key or <F1> key to enter the
BIOS setup at boot. From there, once you've reconfigured your BIOS to seek
the floppy first, it should be a cinch to install Linux. Just remember that
you'll need a BOOT partition within the first 1023 cylinders, or LILO will

----- Original Message -----
From: Robert Hanline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 1999 7:13 PM
Subject: [newbie] LILO problems

> O.K. heres the scoop, I am running Win98 on a AMD k6 200
> with a 10gb drive. I also have a 3gb drive for Linux only. Both IDE.
> I have been using the boot disk for Mandrake to run the install from my
> windows98 drive. The cdrom drive
> will not take the boot and won't grab with the bootdisk either. So this is
> why I tossed the contents of the Mandrake cd onto my windows drive.
> The install goes great all the way to making of the LILO bootdisk and the
> install of LILO. When trying to make the bootdisk it doesn't write to the
> floppy. which to me is no big whoop, but when the LILO install starts and
> have to choose the MBR and it is found NOWHERE.
> There I sit, 30 some unsuccessful installs.
> I have run fdisk /MBR, made partitions with both disk druid and partition
> magic. Blown them up and rebuilt every time. I have also formated both
> drives and have done a clean install of windows just for the heck of it
> tring to solve this problem.
> I don't want to run windows forever so please help!
> thanks
> Robert Hanline

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