And, further, go to

The driver works for files output by ghostscript and makes the files to be sent to the printer.

It uses what HP calls "Performance Printing Architecture", a system that puts more of the calculation for printing on the CPU and allows the printer to have les hardware.  HP developed drivers for Windows, and left it at that.  They ALSO decided that they would keep the protocols secret.  What is displayed on this web page is what someone could intuit from looking at the files sent to the printer, and it works for the 720 (710), 820, and 1000 series in B&W if you also use the ghostscript filter and you have the printer direct connected to the linux machine.

This case is different, since NT knows how to handle the printer and also what to do with incoming files bound for the printer....


Civileme wrote:  is where you will find additional links for the HP722C.  It works only B&W.


Sengir wrote:

To expand on your question (And probably state the obvious but, hey, I'm a
total newbie to Linux.) I just checked out HP page since I have a 722C also
and I do not see drivers to even run it locally.  Do you have such drivers
or are you going to print from across the network only?

Just wondering,


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of John Aldrich
Sent: Thursday, August 19, 1999 12:19 PM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] HP Deskjet 722C]

On Thu, 19 Aug 1999, you wrote:
>Now I DO have the same printer shared on my NT Server
> box(KB01NT, I know, NT should at as the print server, but
> gotta be different.  I have tried configuring the printer to go through
> NT box to no avail, figuring that since the printer is
>shared, it could somehow  be found.  I guess what I'm trying to ask is ....
Does anybody know if a driver
> is available for the HP 722C in case that is the problem, AND/OR can
anyone tell
> from the rambling information above if I am going about this in the right
> way?
> Thanks,
> Bryan Moorehead
> Newbius Linux Ignoramus
> Hi Bryan,
>      I'm a newbie also, but I believe that your HP 722C requires windows
> software to work.  In other words the printer equivalent of a "winmodem".
> of the gurus on this list may have a work around for you, especially since
> are networked with an NT box.
I believe you'll have to set up SAMBA to get NT to act as
the print server. I'm assuming that you haven't tried this
as you don't mention it.... Having never configured it
before, I'm not sure how to go about doing that.... OTOH,
if you figure it out, I hope you'll send me details....I'm
looking for a good inkjet printer myself... :-)

Rejoice, the wait for Windows 2000 is over!

Rejoice, the wait for Windows 2000 is over!

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