On Wed, 01 Sep 1999, pete moss wrote:
> > --Yes I agree that Navigator alone works better than Communicator. Any way I'm
> > in the process of following ricks advice (please exscuse me if I got the wrong
> > poster). I reinstalled Netscape (Nav. only+common files only) and am
> > downloading the upgrade now as we speak. We'll see.
> i too want to just have netscape running.  i have been using it for
> mail, but i think i want to switch to pine.  i have a few questions
> first.
> does pine do message filtering?
> can pine read my existing netscape mail files (i have ALOT of saved
> mail)?
> what exactly do i need to install to support pine?  sendmail, fetchmail,
> what?  not sure what i need.
> does anyone know of a better program than pine for email that has
> similar features to netscape mail?
> > P.S. I just wanted to say that I've spent a lot of time on the NG's looking for
> > help in learning Linux, and so far I think this list is absolutely awesome!
> > It's really refreshing to have a forum to go to as a newbie where people are
> > helpful without being condescending.
> agreed.  i was on another linux newbie list before that was just a bunch
> of newbies and one genius.  on this list there are alot of semi-genius
> types, which makes it much easier to get problems solved.
> :P

--Hi Pete,
I've used Pine a little bit in a Caldera dist. I tried before. It's a great
reader if you can get it to work. It's very command line-ey. Also after you get
it installed you have to go through this big and very austere config adventure
before you can actually read your mail. The good thing is that all your friends
will think you're a Super-Geek when they see you reading mail on it. I still
think that so far the KDE mail reader is the easiest and best. 

David P. Greenberg
Bitco Electronics
"In Service to the Recording Industry"
*Confirmed Linux Newbie*
**Girls are like pianos. When they're not upright, 
  they're grand.  --  Benny Hill**

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