After serveral postings, I really did not get any help on setting up my
Acer FX-3D sound card (AD 1816 based).  However, I downloaded and
installed the drivers from Open Sound and at least the KDE CD Player
works, so I guess I now have sound.

I went to a site ( which has music (in Windows
usually played by Crescendo).  However, there is a plugin called UMP for
LINUX.  I followed the instructions and downloaded and installed it, as
well as something called timidity.  However, when I try the bluemountain
website, I get a message in Netscape saying "timidity.cfg"  no file or

Now, in the instructions for UMP, it says this may happen if
timidity.cfg is not in the expected directory:  /usr/local/lib/timidity

Actually (and I don't really know how it got there), it is in

The instructions then say to set the TIMID-DIR environment variable to
the name of the alternative directory.  I am not very familiar with bash
(which is my shell) -- sort of the default for Mandrake, and I cannot
figure out how to do this.  

Can anyone help me?


Murray Strome
Murray and Diane Strome
1275 Burnside Road West
Phone: (250) 479-6448
Fax:   (250) 727-3427

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