On Monday 24 June 2002 08:09 pm, Terence J. Golightly wrote:

> I don't know about oc'ing my system it sits in an un-airconditioned
> house on the top floor. Fans are the only thing moving air around
> to make it bearable.  I like to leave the machine running, but with
> the heat it shut itself off until I added one of those twin fans
> that mount in a hd bay.The past several days the room was over 90
> degrees farenheit.

   Then system heat is gonna be a problem whether you oc or not
> I did order some more cooling goodies from Tiger direct maybe I'll
> try it then.  One's a heat sink like device for the memory stick
> another is a fan with digital thermometer and one is another
> variation on the drive bay fans. Plus some round ribbon cables to
> clean up the inside of the box and allow better air flow.

   Still, coolings gonna be dificult usin hot air to do it. I suggest 
you install the lm_sensors rpm from your CD's and keep a close eye on 
system temperatures.  Ram doesn't need cooling, so skip that "heat 
sink like device for the memory stick".  You might havt'a run with 
the case cover off and a table fan blowing into the system.

> >your PCI/AGP bus will still be real close,
> Close meaning?

      You always want to keep the PCI bus close as possible to 
33.33mhz.  One or two mhz under or over is usually not a problem. The 
FSB (front side bus) is divided by a chip on the motherboard. Around 
133mhz FSB, this divider is 4.  So 143/4 = 35.75, or about 2.5mhz 
over spec, and definitely you should go no higher. Everything runs on 
the PCI bus, and particularly harddrives are at risk when the PCI is 
too far out'a spec.  SCSI devices even more so.

> >Don't go over 144 tho, if you do try anyhow, boot a memtest86
> > floppy
> what is a memtest86 floppy?

 http://www.memtest86.com/     but there's probly already a Mandrake 
rpm for it on your CD's. 
 Somethin like 'dd if=memtest86-xxxx.bin of=/dev/fd0'  will copy 
memtest86 to a floppy you can then boot from. ie, when lilo comes up, 
choose 'floppy'   No need to set the bios to boot from floppy.

> >rather than your FS.
> Do you mean by FS file system?

      Yes, when fooling with your system, it's a much better idea to 
test it without booting your regular file system, specially if you 
use ext2.  That way if you have to do a hard reset, your FS isn't 
> >Add a touch to Vcore voltage,
> I'm not up on some these settings This means cpu voltage core
> right?

      Yes.  Off hand I don't remember the Vcore for an XP. Using my 
1.4 Tbird as an example, AMD reccommends a range of 1.7 to 1.85v for 
it, with 1.75 being default.  I run it at 1.85   IIRC, your XP runs 
in the 1.6x range.
> Soyo's already add a touch to IOv.
> IOv meaning the IO voltage for the internal peripherals?

      Yes, particularly your ram.  Default is 3.3v, 3.5 up to 3.7 is 
better.  Greatly increases ram performance and reliability.  Most 
good mobo's like Soyo provide 3.45 to 3.55v, or have a setting to get 
above 3.3
> Actually a touch more Vcore's not a bad idea even if you don't oc.
> >    You'll be in the XP 2200+ ++ range, solid as a rock ;~>>
> >
> >    Soyo, best AMD app'vd oc'ing mobo IMO, LinuxHardware thinks so
> > too
> Yeah I checked them out at one non-Linux Hardware Site before going
> to LinuxHardware too see if they had tested the Dragon Plus.
> I need a refresher on oc'ing, is there a site you recommend?

    Google 'overclocking'.   Don't pay much attention to the kiddie 
sites (they're the ones taking the FSB high as they can and still 
boot windoze).

    Tom Brinkman                      Corpus Christi, Texas

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