Okay, here's a summary of my past postings here, since you are too damn lazy 
(or stupid, take your pick) to actually read past posts:

Firstly, I tried the whole WineX thing. And let me tell you, it sucks.

I was using the CVS (read: FREE) version, of which you can find a tutorial on 
my site:


But since CVS was supposed to suck in comparison to the RPMs that they 
release, I got subscribed for 3 months.

During that time, they released ONE RPM. ONE.

As soon as I got it, I installed it. WineX 2.0.

I have tested over 70 games myself on WineX 2.0, and less than 10% of them 
worked, IIRC. Here is a partial list of the games I tested:


I have over 100 games, I just got sick of testing them. I should still have a 
list of most of them on this site:


Can you also see why I would buy WineX in hopes that many of my games would 
work? And could you not see how I would be disappointed when I find that 90% 
or more of my games don't work, and many of them froze my computer with WineX?

I bought Baldur's Gate 2 because it had a high rating. And it works, 
SOMETIMES. Other times, it doesn't, and that is of course, if you can 
actually get it to install.

I think that they should work on EXISTING games, the ones that people still 
like and aren't ported/never will be ported, before they work on the new ones.

Yes, they are working on CURRENT games. Which means that MORE AND MORE 
companies will rely on TRANSGAMING to get their games working and they will 
IGNORE native ports.

Emulated can NEVER compare to NATIVE Linux games. EVER.

On Saturday 06 July 2002 04:08 am, and idiot wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-07-05 at 17:55, D. Olson wrote:
> > > I'm a little confused also, since anyone alive and not living under a
> > > rock has heard about Loki's demise.  Transgaming is the bridge from the
> > > gaming world to the world of linux, and it's working.  Nuff said.
> >
> > It's working? 30% of the Windows framerate is not what I call "working."
> > 5 out of 70 games is not what I call "working." Locking up systems is not
> > what I call "working."
> Where are you getting your numbers, Olsen?  Where are you seeing 30% of
> the Winblows framerate?  Where are you seeing 5 out of 70 when you
> haven't even run WineX for your own self?  Where are you seeing "Locking
> up systems?"
> If you come on here blowing off at the mouth about something, you darn
> sure better have your ducks in a row, cause here we cite our sources.
> That way we cut the troll crap off at the nut level. So cite your
> sources and quit wasting everybody's time with possibly malinformed
> rhetoric; especially for the benefit of those of us who actually run and
> have VALID Winex experience; while not locking up. Such as myself,
> Darklord, and others.
> > All WineX is doing is showing developers that their work in porting
> > software natively isn't worth a damn because "Wine can handle it."
> >
> > You don't see it now, but Wine and WineX will be the downfall of the
> > Linux gaming market.
> >
> > And when that happens, I'll have you to thank for it.
> Now, let me move right on along to the next few points.  First of all,
> I'm glad you've got this brilliant idea about writing games for Linux.
> I suggest you put your money where your mouth is and come off the hip
> with a few million dollars and start your own company that rewrites
> winblows games for linux.  That way you can promote Linux in your own
> way, and you won't be bugging the crap and high horseing others who are
> promoting it in their own way.  If you need a name for your company,
> I've even got a suggestion for that; how does Loki sound?
> What a brilliant concept.  You can take the onus of the programming work
> off of the winblows game programmers, saving them time and money, and
> hire your own team of programmers; hopefully you'll be able to pay them,
> eh?  Yeah, what an idea.  Something just occurred to me tho...there's
> only one problem with this brilliant idea, tho....it's ALREADY BEEN
> Dern...I forgot about that ALREADY BEEN DONE part.  RL's a bitch, aint
> it?  Maybe we could start out being a little better informed next time,
> eh?  You know, before we find out that we are actually milking a bull.
> But let's see...what else could you do?  Oh hey, I know!! You could go
> talk to Bethesda Softworks or John Carmack (ever heard of them?) and get
> them to write for two OS's!!  John Carmack would probably be OK with it
> (since he's already doing it for zero profit out of pure goodwill), but
> Bethsoft would have to either hire new game programmers or put their
> existing ones on double duty plus a new learning curve.
> Come to think of it, knowing them as I do and what a tight ship they
> run, Bethsoft might laugh you off the property.  But hey, that's a risk
> you're willing to take, right?  Anything to stop those stupid Winex
> users from playing their games under Linux.  And don't forget...you've
> got ME to thank for it!  I'll be cheering ya on, so hop to work...new
> day and all, and the path of greatest resistance beckons seductively
> for....eh...you..
> Rah, rah!!
> Now where did I put those pom poms..
> LX
> P.S.  You might want to check out what those horrid Winex users have
> been doing with their Linux machines.  I've got a search result here
> from the Transgaming site that lists over 150 games with a top working
> rating under Winex.  I've attached a gzipped tar file with the purloined
> information that you can use for your top secret anti Winex ops.  Get
> out there and stop this heresy, Olsen!! Rah...

D. Olson
The Mandrake eXPerience


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