On Thursday 14 November 2002 06:57 pm, you wrote:
> OK. I am ready to start kicking things...

Hopefully it will have Bill Gates picture on it somewhere! <lol>

> I have my MDK 9 server running. I want to share some folders. I thought
> there was a suggestion that using NFS was more secure and faster than
> Samba, so I decided to make that happen.

On my setup, I feel (this is very subjective) that NFS is as fast as Samba, 
but everything I've read says that Samba is more secure. I use NFS here on my 
3 comp LAN, but its trusted. I'd not use NFS on an untrusted LAN or LAN 

> My exports file is really simple:
> /home/username workstation (rw)

This is my /etc/exports file on my server:


Notice there is no space between the 2/3 and the "(".

I'm the server - both and are clients.

And here are the /etc/fstab entries from the two machines I'm exporting to:

darkforce:/home/darklord/public /home/zerocool/public   nfs     rw,hard,intr 0 0
darkforce:/home/darklord/public /home/jeremy/public     nfs     rw,hard,intr 0 0

My sons comps dual-boot into Mandrake v8.2 or Win 98SE. I use NFS in Linux 
and whenever I need to copy/grab any files from their comps in Windows, I 
just use:

Mandrake Control Center -> Mount Points -> Samba Mount Points -> Search 
Servers -> click on server found (shows their C drive here) -> Mount (I use 
/root/Network/DarkForce2 or DarkForce3, depending on the machine), I then su 
and go into /root/Network/DarkForce2/3 and bingo-hey!-presto, I'm looking at 
their C drive. When you quit this session, it will ask you if you want to 
make these changes to /etc/ fstab.

I prefer NFS between all comps on my LAN when In Linux because it doesn't 
hang up. I can bootup or shut down any machine, in any order and it doesn't 
hang up. If I do this with Samba, and don't mount/unmount correctly first, it 
will hang up. If I boot up and Samba doesn't find its targets, it takes a 
long time to continue the boot process. (this is assuming that you made 
permanent changes for Samba to /etc/fstab).

Hope this helps! :-)

                                                                  Dark< >Lord

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