Thanks, DL!

What you and Derek have pointed out to me is pretty much the same, and what
I can't use. While I do have a completely trust network (hey! it's all
mine!), I 'must' have directories exported off the server that are only to
be accessed by me and/or my wife. I also would like to have the kids have
their own secured area, though as an administrator, I get to 'looky-see' and
'touch'. I had my previous NT server set-up this way and everyone happy. It
appears to get this kind of security from NFS is either not possible, or
going to be difficult in that I need to do some cryptic things in my set-up.

One concern I had with Samba in the past was the problem in
authentication/synchronization with an Windows PDC not using plain text
passwords (which it never uses.) Something to do with the fact that Samba
couldn't work with encrypted passwords. Anyway, that looks to be history
now, as I am hoping not to need to run a second server with Win 2K
Server/Adv Server for anyone's benefit. The mount/umount thing could be a
problem for my family members, though. This is another area where M$ has
spoiled us all rotten! Is there a way to script it so that on logging off
(is there also the same concern for halt or reboot?) the Samba mounts are
cleanly disconnected without hanging the PC up? And, is the unmounting of
Samba shares from a Win PC also necessary for the benefit of client or



----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald J. Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 15, 2002 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] NFS Impasse

On Thursday 14 November 2002 06:57 pm, you wrote:
> OK. I am ready to start kicking things...

Hopefully it will have Bill Gates picture on it somewhere! <lol>

> I have my MDK 9 server running. I want to share some folders. I thought
> there was a suggestion that using NFS was more secure and faster than
> Samba, so I decided to make that happen.

On my setup, I feel (this is very subjective) that NFS is as fast as Samba,
but everything I've read says that Samba is more secure. I use NFS here on
3 comp LAN, but its trusted. I'd not use NFS on an untrusted LAN or LAN

> My exports file is really simple:
> /home/username workstation (rw)

This is my /etc/exports file on my server:


Notice there is no space between the 2/3 and the "(".

I'm the server - both and are clients.

And here are the /etc/fstab entries from the two machines I'm exporting to:

darkforce:/home/darklord/public /home/zerocool/public nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0
darkforce:/home/darklord/public /home/jeremy/public nfs rw,hard,intr 0 0

My sons comps dual-boot into Mandrake v8.2 or Win 98SE. I use NFS in Linux
and whenever I need to copy/grab any files from their comps in Windows, I
just use:

Mandrake Control Center -> Mount Points -> Samba Mount Points -> Search
Servers -> click on server found (shows their C drive here) -> Mount (I use
/root/Network/DarkForce2 or DarkForce3, depending on the machine), I then su
and go into /root/Network/DarkForce2/3 and bingo-hey!-presto, I'm looking at
their C drive. When you quit this session, it will ask you if you want to
make these changes to /etc/ fstab.

I prefer NFS between all comps on my LAN when In Linux because it doesn't
hang up. I can bootup or shut down any machine, in any order and it doesn't
hang up. If I do this with Samba, and don't mount/unmount correctly first,
will hang up. If I boot up and Samba doesn't find its targets, it takes a
long time to continue the boot process. (this is assuming that you made
permanent changes for Samba to /etc/fstab).

Hope this helps! :-)



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