On Sunday January 26 2003 05:12 pm, Ronald J. Hall wrote:
> On Sunday 26 January 2003 06:06 pm, Chuck Burns wrote:

> > prevents the core temp. from reaching critical levels.. (Not to
> > mention the 400-533mhz cache speeds, compared to athlon's measly
> > 200mhz.. :p)
> Thats interesting. I always thought that AMDs' chips were better
> performers at the same speed range....from what I've read. (but I'm
> no expert).

 Not so, Athlons are much better performers at the same clock speed ;) 
Athlons in the 1.6g range out perform P4's of the 2+ ghz variety, at 
less cost. It's not so much that AMD's are so great, it's more like 
P4's and even more so, the available motherboard chipsets for them 
.... suck really big time. Intel has used M$ type tatics to crush 
competition, but has yet to produce any decent i8<whatever> chipsets.

   "400-533mhz" is the same type of PR ballyhoo both manufacturers use 
for those that fall for it. And it's not "cache" speeds, its FSB 
speeds multiplied by marketing smoke'n mirrors. FSB for all but the 
very *most recent cpu's is 133mhz. AMD pretends they double this to 
266. Intels goes off the charts with claims of 3 and 4 times 
multiplication by magic  (*most recent being 166 mhz FSB, either 
vendor. In that case AMD claims 333mhz, 2x 166).

  'Sides, front side bus speeds aren't dictated by the cpu, they're 
set by the (motherboard's) chipsets.  And on either system, 
everything STILL has to go thru the old 33mhz PCI bus anyhow. So much 
for '533mhz cpu' PR B$.

    AMD's worst short fall IMO, an I beleive it's why they're not 
acceptable on the server or even laptop markets is the lack of an 
**internal diode to report/regulate heat. Intels' have had this since 
early Pentiums. OTOH, it's a recent Intel copout also. As some of you 
have said, the diode in new Intels allows the cpu to slow down, even 
shutdown to avoid overheating. In the case of laptops, avoid 
overheating and conserve power. So just when you need power, the cpu 
kneels down, badly ;(  Which is another reason P4's suck. An why 
somebody posted recently that a 40 minute kernel compile took 80 
minutes on their new 1.6 gig P4 laptop. (**OK, the newer Athlon XP's 
have a rudimentary internal diode implemtation, but it's almost a 
year now, with no decent motherboard support from any vendor. Asus 
and Gigabyte have tried, most others haven't.)

   A better marketing approach, judging by popularity, seems to be the 
worst old past junk. VIA buys up failed Cyrix crap for practically 
nothin, and PR's it sucessfully as 'silent' and 'fanless' (VIA C3's, 
the 'C' stands for Cyrix, 3rd attempt). PR claims of 800mhz produce 
benches an ancient K6-300 could beat hands down. Which BTW can also 
be run silent and fanless on junk motherboards an power supplies.
At least the K6 was an i586 cpu, the C3's are a 586/486 mix.

   So the buyer has choice ;>  For me, I'm just nursin my tired ol' 
overclocked Tbird 1.4/VIA (1.5ghz, out performs a 1.8g/i8xx P4) along 
till it dies. It's startin to run hotter lately ;(   Maybe 64 bit 
desktop cpu's will be the rage by then ;) Had a P3-450 oc'd to 600 on 
a Intel BX chipset, before. The hardware people are willin to buy's 
been goin down hill since ...  includin me
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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