Kaj Haulrich wrote:

On Friday 15 August 2003 09:40 pm, Harv Nelson wrote:

Hi Kaj,

I'm having something of the same sorts of problems with a
program I'm trying to run with wine.

Try this "WinTools" GUI set up aid:


It will make all the necessary directories and has an
"Installer" of sorts.  There is some additional education on
the site.

Be aware that "wine" is a work in progress. There are new
RPM's built nearly every day. Check WineHQ
http://www.winehq.com/. You might want to try WineX, also http://digilander.libero.it/winehqitalia/winex.html


Harv / AI9NL

Thanks Harv, - I'll give it a try, but wine is quite OK on my system, so I guess it is this application from Texas that's misbehaving. When I accept the default (c:\programs) it just refuses the whole idea : can't locate *folders*.

Which arises another rant : This application (Derive) is meant for math students and developed by Texas Instruments. I don't know much about Texas, but where I live universities use Unix/Linux. I have great respect for Texas Instruments and their fine calculators and thusly can't believe they are Microsoft-Only. My geography might be wrong, though : Redmond is the capitol of Texas ?

Kaj Haulrich.


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If you installed wine under your user name, it should have created a directory named ".wine" (don't miss the dot ... /home/user/.wine ). In that directory there should be another directory called "fakewindows" or, if you use the WineTools setup, the directory will be called simply "C" (an acknowledgement of what Windows likes to call your linux hda, "C:\" ... /home/user/.wine/C ). "C" will contain a bunch of directories that pretty much mirrors the look of a normal Windows hard drive.

You can set up KDE so that the files with an ".exe" extension will be passed to wine automaticlly (if WineTools didn't do it for you)

RE Texas Insturments: They used to put out stuff that even ran on a Commodore 64 ... but that was a while back. I'm wondering if your "Derive" program is just an old script that might be run with dosemu?

Where I live, the Great State of Wisconsin, on America's North Coast (Lake Superior/Lake Michigan), the University of Wisconsin has recently terminated all of it's site licensing agreements with Microsoft


much as the City of Munich in Germany did recently. This will force students who have not already purchased software/licenses at lowered rates, to seek cheaper (Open Source) alternatives.

I read somplace (I think "the Register") that Bill Gates had recently dumped 26 million in M$ stock holdings ... and his cheif lacky, Steve Balmer had dumped stock valued at 1.45 BILLION! Perhaps that is the best "hand-writting-on-the-wall" yet.

RE Texas: Here in the US, we are waiting patiently for the Congress to pass legislation admitting that the South actually did win the Civil War of 1865. This will allow those southern states (Texas among them) to secede from the Union with grace ... and those states in the north, that are so inclined, can seek a union with Canada. Our interests here, more nearly match those of the Canadians rather than the interests of the Texas/Washington DC/Wall Street/Redmond axis.

Let the flame war begin :-)

Best regards, and good luck for the girls

Harv / AI9NL
Washburn, Wisconsin

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